
Avvalendoci di un’ampia gamma di test per la misurazione delle caratteristiche professionali e attitudinali delle Risorse, mappiamo e analizziamo le competenze, le capacità, le attitudini e il potenziale dei candidati e dei collaboratori.



  • assessment



Mid Up carries out assessment projects using a wide variety of customizable tests to evaluate Human Resources professional characteristics and behavior.

Assessment services enable us to analyze both external candidates and Clients’ resources skills and potential, verifying both new resources suitability and assessing company’s resources.

We support our Clients in the evaluation of current level of competences and profiles within their organization, and propose ways to optimize and improve performances.

An assessment feedback should be given to candidates and employees, identifying the strengths they can effectively leverage and the weaknesses they can overcome and improve.


  • Invia il tuo CV
    Send your CV
    Submit your professional profile
  • ricerca e selezione
    Search and Selection
    “Your talent is in your choices”
  • Vola solo chi osa farlo
    Management Training
    Only those who dare may fly”

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